Feast Day: January 14
Patron of: Financial Distress
Keywords: abundance, children, desperation, emergencies, epidemics, family life, financial distress, trust
Quote: “The more you honor me the more I shall bless you.”
Symbols: raised right hand, globe, crown

Surrendering oneself to this doll-like image of Christ as a child requires one to cast off the world of adult preoccupations to live in a state of faith and pure belief. Honoring the Infant of Prague is a tradition that is kept in many homes throughout the world as some believe that it guarantees financial stability and abundance. There are several novenas to the Infant of Prague, one reflecting the intensity of an emergency situation, is to be done in one day’s time, the prayer said once every hour for nine hours in a row.
Devotion to Christ as a young child dressed as a king has its roots in the Carmelite order of Spain. According to tradition, in 1555, Saint Teresa of Avila gave a statue of the Christ child, dressed in actual royal robes to a noblewoman who was marrying into an aristocratic family in Bohemia. Taking it with her to what is now the city of Prague, her daughter, the Princess Polysena inherited it. In 1623, Princess Polysenia was widowed and chose to devote the rest of her life to charitable causes. When she saw the need that the poverty stricken Carmelite order had, she donated the statue to them, saying, “I give you my dearest possession. As long as you venerate this image, you will not lack anything.” The monks credited this image with the immediate upturn of their fortunes. When they were forced out of their monastery due to a war in 1631, they left the statue behind and the invading army threw it in a rubbish heap. Within seven years the Carmelites were back in their monastery in Prague, desperately attempting to rebuild it. One monk, Father Cyril, who had a particularly strong devotion to the Divine Infant found the little wax statue among the rubble. The only damage done to the statue was its crushed hands.
It was decided that the scarce funds the community had should go to more practical things than the repair of a statue. As the monks struggled to rebuild their former home and church, Father Cyril heard the words: “Have pity on me and I will have pity on you. Give me my hands and I shall give you peace.” After the statue was repaired, the monks again displayed it in the main church. As the city of Prague suffered an epidemic, parishioners began invoking the little statue for aid. The quick answer to their prayers brought many in the surrounding region to seek help. Gradually, the devotion spread to many other countries. Today, the church in Prague built to hold the statue, Our Lady of Victory, is a site of pilgrimage with visitors from all over the world paying their respects to the Divine Infant.

Invoked against: Financial Distress
Explanation of imagery:
Crown: Jesus is King of the World
Raised right hand: blessing
Imperial Orb: The entire world is in his hand.



Nine Day Novena to the Infant of Parague

O Infant Jesus, I run to You, begging You through Your Holy Mother to save me in this need (you may name it here), for I truly and firmly believe that Your Divinity can defend me. Full of trust I hope in You to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with all my heart, I am painfully sorry for my sins and on my knees I beg You, o Little Jesus, to free me from them. My resolution is to improve and never more to offend You. Therefore, I offer myself to You, ready to suffer everything for You and to serve You faithfully. I will love my neighbour as myself from my heart for the love of You. O Little Jesus, I adore You, o Mighty Child, I implore You, save me in this need (you can mention it here), that I may enjoy You eternally, with Mary and Joseph see You and with all the angels adore You.



Nine Hour Devotion to the Infant of Prague

O Jesus, Who has said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock,I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who has said, all that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you through the intercession of Mary. Your Most Holy Mother. I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who has said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass”,
through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.
(Make your request)


Excerpted from the Novena App


  1. Dear Infant Prague bless my husband with a new job a better paying job that he likes I know work doesn’t always come easily but he desperately needs to get away from SS company now .I thank you for listening to my plea. I love you , MommaJ. Amen


  2. Thank you so very much my Dearest Miraculous Infant of Prague for the so many financial surprises you have given me for all these I will make your wonders known and I will honour and glorify your name each and every day of my life


  3. Yes I prayed the 9 hours Novena to Infant Baby Jesus asking for his help with money to get car insurance, car tag, paying off past due debt and I ask to hear from a friend that I have not heard from since March praying that he is alright In the Name of Jesus. Amen I ask for more hours at work, I need to get my car back on the road Please help me


  4. Thank you Infant of Prague for answering my prayers. Please help me with my current situation and help me to strengthen my faith.


  5. My Dear and Precious Infant Jesus of Prague, Please Restore My Finances, Restore Family Relationships, Bless Us With Gainful and Happy Employment Close to Home, and Blessings Me With the Money and Mechanic Needed to Fix My Back Window, Driver’s Side ASAP!!! With Much Love and Thanks Always. 🙏🏻❤️✝️👼🕊🌹


  6. Infant Jesus I pray for 9 hours asking for your help with this matter is greatly appreciated and I come exhausted and praying for you to answer my request I come asking the Infant help me where there seem to be no help for me. Infant Jesus of Prague come staying where. My request is answer I will publish a thank you for everything that you have help me with.


  7. This is a very powerful prayer, i got favorable- answered prayers many times.
    Put it always in your pocket wherever you go…


  8. Please pray for me to up lift these financial burdens from my shoulders Pray for my Mother ,sister, and I , that our eyes will not get any worsened from Macular degeneration, and that my Mothers eye will clear a bit so she can see .For my mother that her ears maybe able to hear again
    I love you Infant Jesus.


  9. Powerful Novena to the infant of Jesus of PragueThis Novena for an Urgent Need, is to be said at the same time every hour for NINE consecutive hours in just one day. (May also be used as a Nine-Day Novena.)

    Jesus, You said,
    “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.”

    Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I knock, I seek. I ask that my prayer be granted.

    (State your specific request or intention here)

    Jesus, You said,
    “All that you ask of the Father in My name, He will grant you.”

    Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.

    (State your specific request or intention here)

    Jesus, You said,
    “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass.”

    Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.

    (State your specific request or intention here)


    I prostrate myself before Your Holy Image, O most gracious Infant Jesus, to offer You my most fervent thanks for the blessings Thou has bestowed upon me.

    I shall incessantly praise Your ineffable mercy and confess that You alone are my God, my Helper and my Protector.

    Henceforth, my entire confidence shall be placed in You!

    Everywhere, I shall proclaim aloud Your mercy and generosity, so that Your great Love and the great deeds which You perform through this Miraculous Image may be acknowledged by all.

    May devotion to Thy Holy Infancy increase more and more in the hearts of all Christians, and may all who experience Your Divine assistance persevere with me in showing unceasing gratitude to Your Most Holy Infancy, to which we praise and glorify forever. Amen


      • Please answer my prayers, please help with my financial burdens, I need to find me permanent housing, assist me with all family relationships.


  10. Bless and strengthen all Churches and all Church groups and all marraiges formed by Your wisdom O Holy Lord God our Father we pray. Our Father. .


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